
Interesting Websites

Interesting Websites


Here you will find interesting websites around the junk, collectors, and antique market KuSeRa.


such as: restoratiing on of porcelain, glass, furniture, timber, repair shops, sites for spare parts, tips and tricks for repair of old stuff (photo, art, HiFi, household items, books, CD, LP, watches, jewelry, paper, etc. ), repair manuals, Specialized Websites, Brand encyclopedias, art prize lists, antique and flea market operators, trade fairs, exhibitions, exchanges.


We hope you have found it - like events - have fun with the information.


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Having problems with your analog camera lens with electronic or mechanical defect, you need camera gaskets because we can recommend the


Searching frantically for a new gasket or spare part for your pressure cooker, at you will find something nice.


Search boxes (cartons) for your move or mail order, Made to measure, pad and filling materials, jewelry boxes, which you will find at


Looking for a individulles gift? with a unique design, then we recommend you this page - - shards Design - Attractive shambles


Free Search a sailmaker in Berlin or Brandenburg, then you are at the sailmaker Benrowitz - in 7 Genarationen sailmaker since 1848, one of the oldest sailing Make Rein in Germany - guaranteed correct.

Search roofed market stalls for flea or antique markets, for promotion - advertising, information booths for parties, clubs, exhibition stands, insurance, restaurants for events such as concerts, festivals, events are required for the covered market stalls - rent or purchase, with or without erection and dismantling service - at Johnsons Event service in Berlin you are correct.


The history of the Faber-Castell Slide rule


Environmental shipping Waschbär philosophy behind it: Then as now, the goal of the Waschbär environmental dispatch of offering environmentally friendly and healthy products for all areas of life.


For collectors and enthusiasts porcelain here an extensive catalog of artists, designers, architects who have worked and designed for Rosenthal, probably around 1000 names. A very comprehensive register of designers, found in Rosenthal online shop.


Shop directory for shops, online shops, products & product search for online shopping on the Internet - Shopping Portal:


On the basis of objective numbers of Leica (Ernst Leitz Wetzlar) lenses determine the age - Here is a little help

On the basis of the old housing numbers and identify the model of a Leica - Here is a little help


Are you interested in old calculators? - There is a very interesting site for collectors - Technical Info - year of manufacture etc - on this page you will find a lot of information about ancient calculating machines


Why Buy Used ecological and sustainable ?, You look at the work report of the IZT (Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Reviews / Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment IZT) online marketplaces for used goods by Christine Henseling, IZT and Dr. Klaus Fichter, Borderstep Institute on - here's the direct link to the labor report No 8/2004.


What you always wanted to know. What D.R.G.M. means? - Since 1891 German Empire-use patterns and the wikipedia writes to the utility model.