Welcome to KuSeRa, the online antique trade Germany,
We hope you enjoy looking at our Antique Market - Flea Market - Junk Market - collectors market page.
Here everyone can find something.
From antiques, junk, utensils, porcelain, glass, analogue camera, Design, Art to collectibles.
Everything from a single source.
Many roads lead to the goal;-)
From the church silverware, utensils of silver everything is easy to clean, with some pieces of the underlying material is already attacked the surface, the, since they have not been too long cleaned, the scars or holes in the material come to the fore, should, in this particular case, draw a professional (female) (conservator) to advise whether it is still worthwhile to work up the pieces.
Do not forget SILVER also has a material value (scrap price) no matter what the material looks like and what it has pecking, it always has a value.
Waschbecken mit Wasser füllen, die Metallplatten reinlegen und dann.......
...... das Salz hinzugeben .......
........ And now we put the clean silver objects (cutlery, plates, bowls, pitchers, centrepieces, figurines, jewelry, etc.) in this case, the Friedlander fruit knife into it.
After about 30 seconds take out everything again, have started to when the objects to be dirty or badly, you can also extend the time. Now polish it with a microfiber cloth or a normal polishing cloth and whoosh, the silver is already clean and polished, you can see the other images which all took about 30 minutes and the silver is again in top condition.
And already the Gebr.Friedländer court jeweler silver looks like new again.